You haven't had sex beforevthan read this

Trying anything for the first time can be a funny mix

of nerves, uncertainty and excitement. Sex is no

different. You can't predict what it'll be like, but you

can up the chances it'll be good by thinking about

who, when and how you want it to happen.

If you're reading this, you've decided you're ready

to have sex .

Firstly, what do we mean by 'sex'?

It's confusing, isn't it?

While we think that 'sex' includes oral sex , vaginal

sex and anal sex, here we're going along with what

most people believe – that 'losing your virginity' and

'first time sex' is the first time you have penetrative

sex i.e. vaginal sex.

How will it feel? Will it hurt?

The first time I had sex was kind of weird and

awkward. I didn't feel really turned on – I just

wanted to do it to see what it was like. We had

been together for a few months.

Took a while with him trying to get the condom

on, and then I had to help him to find the right

place to put it in! It hurt at first so I told him to

slow down. Then it started to feel good but he

came quickly and that was it.

I can't say I totally enjoyed it – but I thought,

at least now I've done it, so I know what

everyone's talking about.

Don't expect the first time to be the most amazing

experience of your life.

Almost everybody says the first time wasn't the

best time (by far) or that it was what they expected.

You can't predict what it'll be like, but thinking about

who, when and how you want it to happen can help

make it what you want it to be.

Write down your ideas at Dear Diary: my ideal first


For girls, it's usually a bit uncomfortable or painful

and the chances of coming (having an orgasm)

through penetration are low.

Most women need their clitoris rubbed or stimulated

to come anyway, first time sex or not - penetration

isn't usually enough. Guys, you'll probably come

really quickly.

See What's sex like and other FAQs .

Who's the right person?

It's important you choose somebody you:

can tell how you feel – before, during and after

having sex.

get along really well with, so you can laugh

about anything that happens during the sex.

feel comfortable telling what they can do to make

you feel good.

Take the Quiz: should I sleep with them? to help you


Legally you're not considered old enough to say

yes to sex until you're 16 , even if you feel ready.

It's completely wrong and illegal for anyone in a

position of power to have a romantic or sexual

relationship with you: teachers, coaches, relatives

or friends' fathers. Talk to a trusted adult in this

situation.This article was compiled by aronice