Good News...Sickle Cell Cur Found...

OVER five million sickle cell patients in

Nigeria and other African countries can now heave

a sigh of relief as the University of Ibadan in

partnership with the University of Illinois, Chicago,

USA and University of Loyola, Chicago have

discovered a permanent cure for the terminal


The cure of the deadly disease, according to the

Professor of Medicine, Victor Gordeuk, who is the

Director, Sickle Cell Centre, University of Illinois,

Chicago, USA and his colleagues, Prof. Damiano

Rondelli, also from the same university and Prof.

Bamidele Tayo, University of Loyola, Chicago this

new treatment is done through bone marrow

transplant and that it is less risky.

This was revealed yesterday at the University

College Hospital, Ibadan after a three-day

brainstorming session with other experts in the

teaching hospital.

Unlike the other conventional method of stem cell

transplant which exposes patients to radiation which

could cause cancer, first blood and marrow stem

cell transplant, BMT, is much more effective.

The experts who were flanked by the Chief Medical

Director, UCH, Prof. Temitope Alonge, Dr. Titilola

Akingbola, an haematologist and Dr. Foluke Fasola,

said this stem cell transplant is a standard

procedure for the treatment of many blood cancers

in both adult and children.

He said: "With this chemotherapy-free transplant,

we are curing adults with sickle cell disease, and

we see that their quality of life improves fast within

just one month of the transplant.

"About 90 per cent of the approximately 450

patients who have received stem cell transplants

for sickle cell disease have been children.

Chemotherapy has been considered too risky for

adult patients, who are often more weakened than

children by the disease.

"Adults with sickle cell disease can now be cured

without chemotherapy — the main barrier that has

stood in the way for them for so long. Our data

provide more support that this therapy is safe and

effective and prevents patients from living

shortened lives, condemned to pain and progressive


"In the new procedure, patients receive immuno-

suppressive drugs just before the transplant, along

with a very low dose of total body irradiation, a

treatment much less harsh and with fewer

potentially serious side effects than chemotherapy."

" Donor cells from a healthy and tissue-matched

sibling are transfused into the patient. Stem cells

from the donor produce healthy new blood cells in

the patient, eventually in sufficient quantity to

eliminate symptoms. In many cases, sickle cells

can no longer be detected. Patients must continue

to take immunosuppressant drugs for at least a


The CMD, Prof. Alonge who called for support from

government, philanthropists, donour agencies and

corporate bodies like banks and Nigerian National

Petroleum Corporation for provision of equipment

and completion of the sickle cell centre, described

sickle cell as a disease of bone crisis which the

patient suffers from head to toe.

He added that Sickle Cell Disease is a genetic

disorder due to the presence of an abnormal form of

haemoglobin in the red blood cells, called

haemoglobin S (Hb S) instead of haemoglobin A (Hb

A). Haemoglobin in the red blood cell is responsible

for the transportation of oxygen in the body.