Oscar pistorious To Be raleased On tuesday

Reports reaching us says the Paralympic star turned killer Oscar

Pistorius will be

released from jail on Tuesday, it has emerged.

The decision comes just weeks after a South

African parole board delayed his release.

The Paralympian was sent down for killing girlfriend

Reeva Steenkamp.

Speaking to AFP recently, his lawyer Brian Webber

said the decision had been delayed.

He said: "They're going to refer the matter back to

the parole board."

Pistorius, 28, was jailed last year for shooting dead

Reeva at his home in South Africa on Valentine's

Day 2013.

He claimed the killing was a tragic mishap after he

mistook her for an intruder. tty

The double amputee was found guilty of culpable

homicide - a similar charge to manslaughter - by a


He was due to leave prison on August 21, exactly

10 months on from his sentencing.

But Justice Minister Michael Masutha unexpectedly

stepped in to halt the move, saying the parole board

had acted prematurely by setting the release date. The family of Reeva

Steenkamp have previously

said Pistorius' ten months in prison is "simply not

enough" of a punishment for his crime.

In a statement they said: "We have forgiven Mr

Pistorius even though he took the life of our

precious daughter Reeva.

"Our lives will never be the same again as live with

the sadness of her death every day.

"Reeva had so much to offer this world and we

were all robbed of her life when she was killed.