4 year old girl bleeds for eight days after rape by her school bus driver

A four-year-old girl bled for eight days after she

was allegedly raped by her school bus driver,

her grandmother, Mrs. T. Ajose, has said.

Mrs Ajose, a businesswoman, claimed the

suspect, Yemi Adesina, committed the act within

the school premises.

The suspect, who has been detained at the Panti

Police Station in Adekunle, Yaba, Lagos,

allegedly had carnal knowledge of the Nursery II

pupil in a classroom on September 17.

Mrs Ajose told that The Nation she knew about

the incident when she went to fetch her

granddaughter after school.

She said:

"When I saw her at the school that afternoon,

she looked very dull, so I became curious. I then

asked her what the matter was three times. But

she repeatedly said that she did not want to go

back to the school again. When I asked her why,

she said she just wanted to go home. So, at that

point, I became worried."

Mrs Ajose said instead of going home, they went

to church, adding:

"When we got to church, she said she wanted to

excrete. But before I could get a potty for her,

she had, quite unusual of her, excreted on her

body. I noticed that her excrement was mixed

with blood. Ha!, fear gripped me! I thought it

was probably Jedi jedi (pile). She was behaving

strangely. She neither talked nor ate. She just

sat in a corner within the church premises.

About 20 minutes after, I tried to pet her

because she was unusually quiet. But while I

carried her on my laps, I noticed that her pant

was soaked with blood. I almost passed out. I

screamed for help out of fear and confusion.

"When I persuaded her to tell me what

happened, she said she had been warned not to

tell anyone. I asked her who told her that and

she said Uncle Yemi in her school."

Narrating what transpired between the victim

and the suspect, Mrs Ajose quoted her

granddaughter as saying:

"He put me on a table, covered my mouth and

my face with a piece of cloth and put something

inside my bum. But he later cleaned it."

Ajose, who said she found it hard to believe that

her granddaughter had been raped, stated that

she rushed the girl to a hospital, where her fear

was confirmed.

"The following day, when I got to the school, I

shouted on top of my voice. Though my

daughter has been attending the school since

she was 18 months old, the teachers pretended

as if they didn't know her. Some residents and

passersby who heard my cry intervened and, in

the process, destroyed some of the school's

property out of anger after listening to my

story. Later, we reported the matter at Alagolo

Police Station, Ipaja and the Divisional Police

Officer (DPO), followed us to the school. Then,

my granddaughter showed us the particular

classroom where the driver had committed the

act. The DPO ordered all the male staff in the

school to line up and asked the girl to point at

the particular staff member who did that to her.

She pointed at Yemi immediately. The DPO re-

arranged them four times and she still pointed

at the same person. That was how he was

arrested and detained at Panti."

She, however, expressed shock that the school

wrote to the Special Anti- robbery Squad (SARS)

, claiming that those who vandalised the school

property caused the death of one of its teachers.

Mrs Ajose said:

"They wrote in the petition that when residents

entered the school's premises, the teacher fell

on a pavement which led to her death. But I was

told she slumped in her home on Sallah day

while cooking. They never talked about my

daughter's health. They have turned it into a

murder case.

"It is really painful. She is the third child of her

mother. She has been living with me since she

was five months old. Her siblings also live me. I

keep wondering what attracted him to my

granddaughter. I take her to and from school

every day. The man is married and has children.

But I don't know why he could not use any of

them for money ritual or whatever he intended

to do. The school authorities have also

threatened to deal with us, if we don't drop the

case. Why my own granddaughter? I need

justice. Good people of Nigeria should please

intervene? Why should I lie about this? My

granddaughter bled for eight days."

But, The Nation learnt that the late teacher

slumped at her Abesan Estate home in Ipaja,


The school's principal, whose identity could not

be ascertained, said she was not authorised to

speak on the matter.

The proprietor, Rev. Michael Abodunrin,

described the incident as "just an allegation".

In an interview with The Nation, he said:

"I don't think I will make any comment because

it is just an allegation yet. The case is in court

already. Our school was vandalised by some

residents on September 18, between 7.30am and

8am in respect of the rape case. The law

enforcement agency will do its job."