Why Do Men Cheat?

Today early This Morning, I thought about something and this topic

arises in my mind and i decided to share it...Have you ever thought

about why Old men ranging 50-deathward decide going after young ladies

or girls......Example is a man in my area he was married had a over 18

years boy, 15 and 10 years old boy and girl respectively...His wife

ended up packing out on account of cheating on her with a young 19

years old girl which she describes as inhumane and heart breaking


The Big question is why do old men CHEAT on their wife... In nollywood

movies they said to replenish their blood but that can't be possible

.... Just say what you think might be the reason.

I think a rule should make to join husband and wife together forever..

Cos The woman will eventually be the ones sufering.
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