'Pope loved women with great t**s as a teenager': Pope's childhood mates reveal his wild side

POPE Francis's wild teenage years have been

revealed by two of his fellow gang members in

1950s Argentina.

His high school mates Oscar Crespo and Alberto

D'Arezzo, who were also in The Ten Lads, told how

the then Jorge Mario Bergoglio went to wild parties,

had an eyes for the ladies – and dressed up in

women's clothes.

The pair – like him, now 78 – say the future Pope

loved to dance too.

Oscar, who met Jorge in the Vatican recently, said:

"We were all regular teenagers who wanted girls

and fun and, although Jorge was quieter and more

reserved, he wasn't any different.

"If a girl passed and he thought she was pretty,

he'd say so. He'd stare at a girl with great t**s with

the rest of us. Although, unlike us, he wouldn't say a


Oscar and Alberto said it was clear from an early

age that Jorge wanted to be a priest – but it didn't

stop him enjoying his youth in Buenos Aires.

They also told how 17-year-old Jorge fell in love

with a beauty called Tonecha, who caught his eye at

a dance.

Oscar said: "She had olive skin and brown hair, very

pretty. He never stopped talking about her. He

chatted her up and, on their first date, went to the


"They went on a couple of other dates and then it

fizzled out. I'm sure he kissed other girls but

Tonecha was the one who drove him crazy."

At weekends, Jorge went to wild parties at Oscar's


He said: "Our parties were unforgettable. One night,

we raided my sister's wardrobe and dressed up in

women's clothes.

"I put on a cloak to be Zorro, and Alberto and Jorge

dressed up as women. We had no make-up so they

painted their face with burned cork."

On Sundays, they went to dance jazz and tango in a

club "full of pretty girls".

Alberto says Jorge never lost his eye for women.

He said when Jorge was an archbishop, he joined

him for a meeting with a government official, adding:

"He couldn't stop looking at her cleavage. Later, I

mentioned it and he laughed."

Oscar and Alberto are still amazed their best pal

has become Pope. Alberto said: "Jorge is a man of

God who is as human as any of us."